Academic Writing 05 (SL) EE 2020 1

Peserta: 29 Orang  Pendaftaran: Ditutup 

This course offers an overview of academc writing that covers the writing process, elements of writing,vocabulary for writing, and writing models.

Materi Pelajaran


Main Topics

Topic Main Application

The Writing Process:

from finding sources to proofreading

Classroom use

Elements of Writing:

from argument to visual information
Classroom use and self-study

Vocabulary for Writing:

from abbreviations to synonyms
Classroom use, self-study and reference

Writing Models:

from case studies to surveys
Self-study and reference


Background to writing

  1. The purpose of academic writing
  2. Common types of academic writing
  3. The format of long and short writing tasks
  4. The features of academic writing
  5. Some other common text features
  6. Simple and complex sentences
  7. Writing in paragraphs

Bailey, S. 2011 pp. 1-10

Reading: finding suitable sources

  1. Academic texts
  2. Types of text
  3. Using reading lists
  4. Using library catalogues
  5. Using library websites to search electronic resources

Bailey, S. 2011 pp. 11-18

Reading: developing critical approaches

  1. Reading methods
  2. Titles, sub-titles and text features
  3. Reading abstracts
  4. Fact and opinion
  5. Assessing internet sources critically
  6. Critical thinking

Bailey, S. 2011 pp. 19-29

Avoiding plagiarism

  1. What is plagiarism?
  2. Acknowledging sources
  3. Degrees of plagiarism
  4. Avoiding plagiarism by summarising and paraphrasing
  5. Avoiding plagiarism by developing good study habits ?

Bailey, S. 2011, pp. 30-35

From understanding titles to planning

  1. The planning process
  2. Analysing essay titles
  3. Brainstorming
  4. Essay length
  5. Outlines

Bailey, S. 2011, pp. 36-42

Finding key points and note-making

  1. Note-making methods
  2. Finding key points 
  3. Finding relevant points 
  4. Effective note-making

Balley, S. 2011 pp. 43-49

Paraphrasing and Summarising


  1. The elements of effective paraphrasing
  2. Techniques for paraphrasing


  1. What makes a good summary?
  2. Stages of summarising

Balley, S. 2011 pp. 50-61

References and quotations


  1. Why use references?
  2. Citations and references
  3. Reference verbs and systems
  4. Using quotations
  5. Organising the list of references

Balley, S. 2011 pp. 62-71

Combining sources and organising paragraphs

Combining sources 

  1. Mentioning sources 
  2. Taking a critical approach 
  3. Combining three sources 

Organising paragraphs 

  1. Paragraph structure 
  2. Development of ideas 
  3. Linking paragraphs together

Balley, S. 2011 pp. 72-82

Introductions and conclusions & Re-writing and proof-reading

Introductions and conclusions

  1. Introduction contents
  2. Introduction structure
  3. Opening sentences
  4. Conclusions

Re-writing and proof-reading

  1. Re-writing
  2. Proof-reading
  3. Confusing pairs

Balley, S. 2011 pp. 83-97

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