Business Writing (English Literature 2018)

Peserta: 14 Orang  Pendaftaran: Dibuka 

Tujuan mata kuliah ini adalah memberikan pengetahuan praktis kepada mahasiswa bahasa Inggris mengenai seluk beluk surat bisnis beserta praktek membuat surat bisnis modern seperti surat penawaran barang, surat permintaan barang memo, email dan fax.

Materi Pelajaran

Enquiry Letter

Materi kita hari ini adalah Enquiry letter...silahkan pelajari materi di bawah ini setelah itu kerjakan soal... materi tambahan bisa anda baca melalui Ebook pdf yg saya sudah berikan.


Chapter 7. Invoicing, accounting and settlements of accounts

This session describes partly accounting and invoicing and not further anlyse the priciple of accounting. In addition this part only study business correspondent related with how custumer and firm execute simple payment,terms of payment and accounting it self.

Chapter 6. packing and despatch

this unit illustrates packing and despatch system in international trade. Its main purpose is to give brief description and despatch procedure from supplier to firm. this unit also introduces a letter model to students to compose.Pay more attention on marking and despatch information otherwise you may be not mesleading in executing your letter.

packing and despatch