Bahasa Inggris Teknik - S1 PTO

Peserta: 37 Orang  Pendaftaran: Ditutup 

Bahasa Inggris Teknik (English for Engineering) is a compulsory subject for students of the Study Program of Automotive Engineering Education (PTO) FT UNM  in the even semester (2). This course provides a blended learning method, which is a combination of face-to-face and e-learning.

Learning material: Introduction your self, reading comprehension, conversation, listening, and writing about Automotive Engineering

Lecturer Team:
Muhammad Farid, S.Pd., M.T., Ph.D.

Online Class Instructions:
1. Read class instruction
2. Read material and reference suggest by lecturer
3. Actively working on assignment in accordance with the specified time
4. Actively discuss in forums to give ideas, suggestion or responses according to the topic by paying attention to the ethics of communicating.

Evaluation in online class with regards to point (3) and (4)

Evaluation in the class room (face to face):
1. Actively in the class
2. Mid Test (UTS)
3. Final Test (UAS)

Materi Pelajaran


This session discuss about:

  • English for Automotive Engineering
  • Material this course

Introduction Your Self

This session discuss about how to introduce your self in front of class




Reading Comprehension (1)

This session discuss about:
1.  How to improve your reading skills

  • Surveying  the text
  • Using diagrams and tables
  • Using titles and headings
  • Skimming for general information
  • Scanning for particular information

2. How to read information from:

  • Newspaper
  • Magazine

Speaking (1)

This session discuss how to communicate in the class about automotive engineering

Reading Comprehension (2)

This session discuss how to read information from:

  • Manual book
  • Journal

Mid Test

Mid Test - Write a paper summary of the material

Please read the instruction file (pdf)

Speaking (2)

- Prepare answer the questions from interviewer using IELTS



Writing (1)

The aim of lesson

1. Students will strengthen their English writing skills

2. Students have ability to summarize information presented as a diagram or a table by selecting and reporting on the main features.

Writing (2)

Lesson Goals:

1. Students will strengthen their English writing skills

2. Students have ability to writing essay based on the question of the task

Writing (3)

Lesson Goals:

1. Students will strengthen their English writing skills

2. Students have ability to writing essay use correct word forms

Final Test

Final Test - Write a paper about summary and essay.

Please read the instruction file (pdf)